Hernia Symptoms

Since there are many different types of hernias, there are also many different types of symptoms. The most common symptom from a hernia is no symptoms at all! Hernias frequently go undiagnosed and only cause a bulge or protrustion. However when symptoms do occur they are related to when things get stuck or irritated by being in the hernia and can include:

  • Discomfort

  • Pain

  • Burning or Tearing sensation

  • Bulging

  • Indigestion

  • Redness at the site of the hernia (worrisome)

When bowel or intestine gets stuck in the hernia it can cause:

  • Nausea or vomiting (worrisome)

  • Diarrhea or constipation (worrisome)

  • Fever, chills (worrisome)

  • Dry Heaving (worrisome)

When should I see a doctor for a hernia?

If you are suspicious of a hernia by either noticing a bulge, some discomfort or any other associated symptom, schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor or with a hernia specialist. They will perform a thorough physical exam and potentially order imaging studies such as an ultrasound or CT scan to better figure out what is going on. Some hernias can only be diagnosed on imaging and not on exam. These are called ‘occult’ hernias.

What are some worrying signs?

Any symptoms of a hernia should prompt a visit to your doctor, but some things are more worrisome than others. When anything more than slight discomfort occurs, immediate medical attention should be had. If you have nausea, vomiting, fevers, severe pain, redness of skin over top of the hernia, or inability to eat food, go to your local ER as this could be a sign of bowel strangulation.